Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Perks of the Job, August 31st, 2010

Gleefully introducing patrons to my favorite costumes dramas when the ask for recommendations. I like to think I'm helping America become more classically cultured, if they tend to think Jane Austen is an actress who looks like Anne Hathaway or not.

When a bird somehow manages to deposit it's *ahem* business on my shirt between the car and the door (NOOOOOO!!!) My official "Lydia S. Platteville Public Library Technician 1" name tag thankfully covers the spot nicely saving my from a potentially embarrassing workplace wardrobe malfunction.

When people actually answer the phone when I call them (I've heard every single answering machine message in town. No joke.) they assume that I'm a recording, and hang up in the middle of my well rehearsed speech. Is my voice really that non-descript?

Noticing that Amish women tend to secretly read trashy romance paperbacks.
Actually I find that rather disturbing...

Me stupidly assuming that the bell sounds and pounding I was hearing were coming from the rather loud construction site next door, not (as it turned out to be) a young and by now hysterical child stuck in the library elevator.

I am constantly surprised by the ironic human-ness of humanity.


Abigail said...

you're back! yay!
nice post :)

Moriah A. said...

Amish women read trashy, romance paperbacks?? Wow...the things you learn when your friend is a librarian!



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