Saturday, October 23, 2010

'Men and women can't do housework together without quarreling. Different methods, my dear. Men can't help in a job, you know. They can be induced to do it: not to help while you're doing it. At least, it makes them grumpy.'

'The cardinal difficulty,' said MacPhee, 'in collaboration between the sexes is that women speak a language without nouns. If two men are doing a bit of work, one will say to the other, "Put this bowl inside the bigger bowl which you'll find on the top shelf of the green cupboard." The female for this is, "Put that in the other one there." And then if you ask them, "In where?" they say, "in there, of course."'

--C.S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength


Elizabeth said...

I love you. :D

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

And I stole this from you! :D

Kristi said...

Haha! The quote about putting it in there inside the other one sounds like me!

Anonymous said...

If I can offer some constructive your about me section you say that you're an "old fashion girl"..but then you say that your occupation is to "become a son of God"...that sounds REALLY confusing. Ever thought of saying that your occupation is to become a daughter of God? It would sound WAY less weird.
No offense intended, just an observation :)



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