I was trying to compose in my head
A poem, on my way to the shed
(Or garage, but that's hard to rhythm)
And I was taking my precious time
Being optimistic poetic me,
Not knowing what was going to shortly be.
The male members of our home
Wanted cake, frozen and under a dome
Of the ice cream variety
So I'd gone with female piety
To fetch it from the freezer
(I've been told I'm a people pleaser)
My mother told me to surely go
Making sure not to stub a toe
Through the back door since it wasn't locked
As the normal way between the cars was blocked.
My new poem was meant to rhapsodize
On how the magnolia petals lie.
How they crunch beneath my feet
As I walk on their soft, unblemished sheet.
I wanted to rhyme how the night air
And the cricket's beat transports me somewhere.
While my mind was on that
I pulled the door close so it didn't bat
And bang in the wind annoyingly
And bother my mother worry-ingly
I picked my way over garage-y stuff
Which I can tell you, is tough
When one is in pitch darkness
With only a small light in the mess.
I opened the freezer to discover
There wasn't light there neither!
I exclaimed my displeasure
And then felt around for good measure.
But it was a bigger than normal ice box
And I felt out smarted by the fox
Of my own absentmindedness
It was silly of me, I must confess
Not to remember a flashlight
Yet on went I with all my might
And stuck in both my arms
Never thinking of the harms
But I lost my footing
Horizontally positioning was my ending
And then my wandering hands
Came up empty... oh my Lands!
I was stuck in the cooler
Could I be more of a fooler?
Stuck like Pooh, half in half out.
I was most definitely a lout
And believe me, it hurt
As cold began seeping through my night shirt.
I struggled for a moment
And only manged to get more bent
I stopped and started considering
If nosily yelling and bellowing
Was in any way dignified.
If I told myself it was, I would have lied.
In this moment of self reflection
To my amazement and fun
Found the cake that I'd been sent for
Only to end up stuck in the freezer door.
I pulled at it much too promptly
Considering my task fait accompli
Then the lid came off, and with it the cake
How much more of a mess could I make?
I somehow caught them both right side up
But felt most unhappy and cutup.
I was stuck, in the dark
Balancing ice cream cake, what a lark!
Then, Oh rapturous joy unbound!
The wondrous mother of mine had found
Her daughter gone quite long
And worried something might be wrong.
She called from the entry way
To hurry and not delay!
I begged her to turn on the light
And to aid me in my desperate plight.
But alas, my muffled voice
Did not transport, she had no choice
But misunderstand me
And although I could finally see
For, the light she switched on
But to my aid, came none.
I urged myself out with relief
Happy to get past it with my teeth
Deciding not to go the way I came
In truth, I felt rather lame.
I snaked my way between the cars,
Almost like prison bars.
It was not nice going, I admit.
I was near on at the end of my wit
When on the hitching post
My Pj's caught, (this is not a boast!)
I tugged them free at last
And made my way fast
To the door to get inside
And I do not think I cried.
But then, of course, it was locked,
And I sighed and (loudly) knocked.
Only to have it opened to hear
After everything "The cake is not needed, my dear.”
So instead I ate Greek yogurt
(Healthier by far) but I still wanted to blurt
Out my woes to you, my friends
To the trivial my life does tend.
Yet it has it's almost charming in the end,
A funny story, is how I defend.
Such horrid rhythms and no meter
I apologies most humbly dear reader.
At the last you must know
The moral to this unnecessary show
Is that poetry is dangerous
And always cause a ruckus.
Ignore poetic magnolias soft and sweet
If you want to keep your feet!
(*Disclaimer* I have never professed to be anything close to a poet. Mostly I just like thought in short verse and capitalizing words in the middle of sentences ;-P)
*Much thanks to Merrill for her awesome-ness!