Monday, January 2, 2012

"A Ball? I long for a Ball!"

This weekend I was lucky enough to spend a magical evening with some dear friends at a Regency Christmas Ball.

We were all dressed to the nines and quite snobby about it ;P

Not everyone was overly excited to be there (or at least he claimed so with his "just shoot me now" pictures)

There were hours of lively dancing

In a beautiful hall

And some of my favorite people to chat with while nibbling on scrumptious food!

All in all we had a lovely evening of fun, beauty and elegance...

Well... mostly elegant.

We tried at least.


Charity said...

That is awesome!! =)

Abigail said...

looks like fun! :)

Kourtney Ann said...

Hi Lydia!
I've been thinking about you quite a bit lately:D
I had a dream a couple of nights ago and you were in it and I have been thinking about you off and on since then. How are you dear?
It looks like you had quite a nice evening:D
Have a loverly day!
God bless!

Anonymous said...

Me to Kourtney: "Why do they get to have ball's?????"

Looks like delightful fun!




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