Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sarah Beth!

So here's my cute baby sis who I waited 15 years and one day for. Isn't she just precious? "She" was insistent that I write about her. She has two stuffed animals: Betty the turtle and Dolly Madison (a doll). But I don't have pictures of them. She'll be 11 months on the 24th. She's getting so big! She can crawl now, and has started to go on "Adventures."

Look at that smile... When I took it today at lunch, I pointed the camera at her at she smiled at it right away. She had a "smile at the camera like a good girl face on" it was super cute.

We've been doing sign language to her for a couple months now, and about 3 weeks ago she started to do it too! She does Mama (run hand along side of face from ear to chin)and Please (rub chest, or in her case pat chest), (can you tell what her favorite person is?)We've also signed to her: eat, Dad, and thank you. Unfortunately, she seems to only sign "Please Mama" when she can't have Mom... poor baby. She also says Mamamamamama, Dadadadada and bu bu (bye).

She mostly communicates by pointing. If she wants something, she points at it.

Well there she is! We are all her H.M.S (her majesty's servants). I am H.M.S. Lydia, and right now I am the royal maker of blogs for the Princess Pink (Sarah B.). She is displeased with me though, not ONE thing on the whole blog is pink. tsktsk.





Erica said...

Oh my goodness! My baby sister is getting so big!!! :D And I'm not there to see it... :( Those pictures are the best Lydia. Good job. What an adorible sweetie pie!! I'm definitely going to teach my kids sign language. I think it's pretty neat.

Fun post!!


An Old Fashioned Girl said...

We also sign, "story" and "all gone". When Luke was little he knew sign language too. His favorite was "story".
Actually, Erica, I only took the one picture of her at lunch. Susie took the rest, isn't she talented? An artist's eye I guess:D
Cheerio Chaps,

Anonymous said...

She is sooo cute! I can hardly believe that she is already eleven months old...I love her big blue eyes. I want a little sister...



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