Sunday, February 25, 2007


We've been pretty much snowed in all weekend. To tell you the Truth, it's been a BLAST! We've all been being lazy, which is always refreshing:) Church was called off due to this:

very heavy snow layered with ice. Which was pleasant to shovel *wrote while winning "my back".* Of course we couldn't sit around all day watching TV, so instead of going bored silly, a great desire came upon us to do something we hadn't in more than 6 years. At least not all of us. We played dress-up! We were all classic literature figures, we had two Austen's; Jane Fairfax and Georgianna Darcy, a Molly Gibson and Bella Wilfer complete with Bella Jr, also Miss Jo March and Queen Berengaria. If you've been figuring you'd know that that's seven. My six sisters and I! I was Jo March. Here's me doing "Rodrigo, Rodrigo SAVE ME, AAAAEEEEEEEE!"

...then I collapsed on the floor laughing.

Sarah was super cute as little Bella Wilfer. Katie was her mother. Aren't they adorable?

Well I can't post a picture of everyone, but here's one of Debbie Queen -how ever you say her name, she was Richard the Lionhearted wife (yes Merry, my dear wilf) The Queen's in Walter Scott's Talisman, but Debbie was doing her from a movie we saw about the crusades. She marries Richard's sword instead of him because he's too lazy to come to the wedding.

Giving credit where it's due. Joe made the sword, all by himself. Her's one of Susie too, as Miss Darcy

It was so much fun this afternoon that I'm beginning to think being snowed in isn't so bad a disease. "May the Lord Strike me with it and may I never recover!" *lightning strikes*

Jo March:)

P.S. There's more pictures at Rebecca's blog .


Lil red said...

Hi Lydia,
Looks like you guys had tons of fun! Where all your costumes made by you or your sisters? -Annie

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Hi Annie! Yes! Aren't they talented? Everything but my black jacket and Sarah's dress is handmade by Rebecca, Katie or Debbie.

Incomplete said...

I wish I could be snow bound.

Rebecca said...

It was fun, wasn't it?

Anonymous said...

Looks like wonderful fun! Wilfe looks absiloutly gorgeous(sp?) . I did notice however that there was no Mr. Knightly, or Charles Musgrove!? Luke and Joe decided not to participate? :D We ourselves are getting trapped in by ice, but we made it to church. You all look lovely!,

p.s. I LOVE the "save me, save me!! Roderigo aaahhhaa" picture of you! Too much fun.

Anonymous said...

No it was just us girls doing dress up, but Luke wanted to get dressed so he was Demi Brooke (Jo's nephew. We have pictures there just not here.


Kourtney Ann said...

That sounds like HEEPS of fun!!!!:D

Katie said...

It 'twas TONS of fun!!!

Erica said...

Hey, that's my line!! Just kidding. I'm sure you were a wonderful Jo, but we'll have to ask Debbie who takes the cake. I'm sorry dear, but you make a better Harriet! :D

Fun fun!


Anonymous said...

Courtney tolled me about your blog and how you invited me to it (Thanks so much)
I think your blog is really neat=D
Dressing up sounds like lots of fun! When we go to the Woods house we dress up!
As you do as well They tolled me about you guys dressing up! We dress up at home but not very often.
Its so much fun isn't it?
Well got to run
Cool blog

P.S. you can go to my blog by going to-

Anonymous said...

Sorry Kourtney I spelled your name with a C:(



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