Friday, February 23, 2007

William Penn Quote

While on the farm subject...

"The country life is to be preferred, for there we see the works of God, but in cities little else but the works of men."
William Penn

Now this I agree with. I can't stand big cities, all smoke,cars, people minding there own business. No warmth or comradely, no love. Not meaning to sound like "the looove people" or anything.... but anyway. I do like the country life. It is in a way so much cleaner. Then there's the ONLY reason I would only live on a farm HORSES!


Erica said...

I just couldn't agree more.

Your dear Lou

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

I'm so glad you liked my oppion on this quote. I try to be obliging:D
Did you notice all the high tech stuff Katie did to my blog?

Anonymous said...

It's definatly a true quote. Where did you find it?

Erica said...

Katie is so computer-snazzy. I'm getting Audrey to do stuff to mine too, but she got frustrated with the background of the song thing not changing, so she decided to finish it up later.




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