Monday, June 25, 2007

Split Skirts

I've been wanting to make some split skirts for camp, and when it worked out to go to Woods I thought it'd be nice for farm things too, so I hurried and finished two in the last two days. That's right people, Lydia, the Lydia you know and love actually finished a sewing project.*faint*
Here's the first one, I love this material:
Here's the blue one, sorry to cut my face out, but my hair was a big mess.

In answer to Annie's question my fave. picture is from the annual Harvest/Costume/Scavenger Hunt Party the home school group does. My friend Lillie's birthday was just a few days before the party so I dressed up as her birthday present with a card that everyone at the party signed. Joe was Dad in the army:

The coat was a little too big, but I think he looked great.
Cheerio for now!!!


Rebecca said...

Haha!!! Excuse me while I try to stop laughing!!!!!!

*deep breath*

ok. Nice job on the pants. I won't tell all the little secrets about the mistakes you made, ok?

Joe looks great! Love him.

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

You can tell, I don't care. "It might bring a little joy into your hum-drum lives"

Hehe, not really.

You can tell.

Anonymous said...

actually I was "G. I. Joe". remember your card?


Anonymous said...

Your split skirts are really cute!
And "G. I. Joe" is quite hansom:D!

Anonymous said...

Great job, Lydia! The culottes look good.
I have a split skirt pattern I've used a few times and am still "tweaking" to make it fit better. It's been a fun ongoing project.

Maybe I'll get another pair made before camp. Maybe not.

Joe looks pretty official in that uniform! Great pic!

Kourtney Ann said...

What is the pattern # and brand for your split skirt?

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

I didn't really use a pattern, unless you count Mom's head :-) I had an old pair that was too small so Mom just helped me make it a bit bigger.
I've always liked that picture of Joe. He's my boy!


Deborah said...

Lydia those looked great and if I were to attempt to make a pair I'd sew my hand to the pants. Ugg. I read a book were that happened. It was really sad 'cause there was a fire and tons of people died. I had nightmares about that book. But the teacher wouldn't let me change books. One more thing on my list of Things i greatly disliked About That teacher. way off topic, but yea.



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