Tuesday, July 3, 2007

A Note from the Prisoner--and her Captor

It's about time Lydia updated her blog! So I'm doing it for her, 'cause, uhh...well, she's unavailable right now. Just sec, Lyds is trying to say something. I guess I'll take her gag off just long enough to hear her. She says "UNTIE ME!!!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!" Well, I can't hear her anymore, because I put the gag back on and stuck her in my closet. We've been having a lot of fun, but she finally got so much on my nerves that I had to do something. I hope her sisters don't mind too much. Actually, they'll probably thank me.

Lydia says Adios! from my closet!


Anonymous said...

MOM!! DON"T PANIC!!!! I have Lyds safe and sound!!

Rebecca said...

you guys are crazy!

Katie said...

Thank you, Erica!!!!


You are obviously having fun. I can just hear the 2 of you planning this whole thing! Did Lyd think of the picture?

Lil red said...
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Lil red said...

AHAHAHA! Poor Lydia!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Katie! How did you guess?? They were having tons of fun. I kept hearing laughter out from behind the closed door.
Sisters....you never know what their upto next....good thing I'm here to watch over them, right? *grins*

Kourtney Ann said...

I'm with Rebecca!
But it dose look like you are having tons of fun!

Deborah said...

i wish i could do that to my little sister. No plans or nothin'. But the consecences would be disasterous.

Erica said...

Do you want to guess what the white-board on the basement door says right now? It's in my color. "I miss my Lydia!!" And boy is it true. I'm about to start crying, girl. You're A-W-E-S-O-M-E. Your mom, too.


Miss Alice said...

Lydia, I think you have a pretty goofy friend out there in Nebraska! She misses you very much, and so do we!

Katie said...

How did I guess.. cause she comes up with picture plans all the time!

Anonymous said...

What really makes me laugh is...well, she is tied up with crochet yarn and she is gagged with a--probably dirty--sock!

An Old Fashioned Girl said...


Anonymous said...

Too funny! After seeing you this last weekend, it seemed you were ok...



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