Thursday, September 27, 2007

People Put Anything on These Things

I've always laughed at these. Thought you might too.

Below is my personal favorite:-)


Anonymous said...

I pass a church on my way to work, and their sign always has something like that. The current one is:
"To speed is human. To be caught... de fine."
And the other side is:
"We were going to waste, but God recycled us."

See you next week!! :)

Kourtney Ann said...

those are SO hilarious!

Thanks for a good laugh:D
Happy Kourt

Erica said...

Why are those geeky signs always on churches??

I laughed so hard when I saw the last picture.

Anonymous said...

I saw one of those today that said: Come on in Wal-Mart's not the only saving place!
It made me think of your post:D




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