Thursday, November 26, 2009

That Day that Comes But Once a Year...

I am currently in my own personal heaven on earth. Just stepping over the doorstep of the farm house makes me blissfully happy :-)

It's because this big farm house surrounded by never-ending fields is home to some of my favorite people.

And when we all get together once a year we're bound to have at least a little fun.

For these faces, and my friends and family

I am truly Thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Right? Of course right!

"People only think I'm wrong because my path of logic is illogical to every logical person."

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Look

I did this all on my own, so there's bound to be some tech problems... but anyways...

Do ya like it? Hate it?

Hopefully a new look will inspire me to post more... ya never know.

Just to see how pictures look with the new backround...



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