Tuesday, March 13, 2012


The library sponsors a "Peep-O-Rama" contest every spring. My fellow Librarians and I enjoy a healthily fierce competition every year to see who wins the Staff contest. My entry this year is based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "Sherlock Holmes".

221 B Baker Street.

Mr. Peeplock Holmes himself, complete with pipe, magnifying glass and deerstalker.

Dr. John Peepson, always willing to aid a hand and be fascinated by Holmes' massive intellect and brilliant deductions.

The Sitting Room where all the brilliant crime solving is done. Accessorized with dangerous chemical experiments, maps of London and of course the infamous photo of "The Peep"


Kayla Priest said...

LOL! So fun Lydia! I like it=D

j said...

It's an ear-hat, John.

buddy2blogger said...

Very nice work :)




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