Sunday, May 13, 2012


I really do like being alone. No, It’s not because I don’t like being with people, I love people. The reason I like being by myself is because when I’m with people I see my own weaknesses in them. When someone is rude to me I remember when I’ve been rude and I feel guilty, when someone does something stupid I remember all the stupid things I’ve done and my face burns with shame. Why did I do those things?
It’s not that I don’t like people, it’s that I just can’t stand my own shame. 


Carissa (Regency Woman) said...

Interesting thoughts on being alone.

I enjoy being alone too but for entirely different reasons. I put my all into being with other people. So much so that I'm exhausted when I'm finally by myself. It gives me a chance to unwind. Then again I'm a introvert and we really need to give our batteries a chance to recharge!



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