Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Whenever People Try to Tell Me That Homeschooling isn't "Real Education" I like to Introduce them to my Sister

  • The sister who can conjugate Latin verbs.
  • She also understands Shakespeare.
  • She has most of the opera Les Miserables memorized.
  • She can name all of the 44 U.S. Presidents.
  • She can tell you the leaders of World War II from both sides, Axis and Allies.
  • She can recognize classic paintings and tell you about the artist at a glance.
  • She knows the capitols of all 50 U.S. States.
Oh and did I forget to mention: SHE JUST TURNED SIX YEARS OLD.


Carissa (Regency Woman) said...

Homeschooling is most definitely real education. My English skills are far more advanced than if I'd attended a public school and my reading skills are through the roof. Although I don't think I understood Shakespeare by the age of 6 so a serious kudos to your little sister!

I'm one of the writers for "Femnista" in case you were wondering. Lovely to meet another homeschooler, Lydia!



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