Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Hello! These are just some pictures from Dad, Rebecca, Debbie and my trip to the Island. Enjoy!View from our hotel room balcony, yes, we had a balcony.

Debbie and Rebecca on the steps of our hotel. Don't they look nice and warm?

I feel in love with Jamaican flowers, so pretty. They were in abundance everywhere!

"The Boys" as we called them.

Me trying to be poetic. That's my hat, I wore it the whole time we were there.
A little friend of ours. Isn't he cute? He helped us with SarahBethwithdrawel

Another friend...

We were singing "It Is Raining" with the boys and Nicky. The boys kept taking it up a key at the end of every line. It was funny.
P.S Yes, I know this is a dull post. Sorry, I'm not much of a photographer


Kourtney Ann said...

Great pictures! When did you go to Jamacia? Did you like it there?
I have never been out of the good old USA.
Your hat was really cute!:D

Erica said...

Oh, you make me laugh. So hard. "Trying to be poetic." You only rarely pull that one off, Henny. :P But I love it even when it doesn't work.

It does look blissfully warm. And the pictures are good; I'm glad you had fun with the camera.

I'm suffering quite forcefully of Lydiawithdrawl. What are we going to do about that, because I know the feeling's mutual...(only the name gets switched.)


Anonymous said...

This is not realated to your post at all but what is the "singing in the Rain" song from? I think it is so cute! Mom says it is from a movie that came out maybe in the fifties. Did you like the movie? have you seen it?
It looks like you had a marvelous time in Jamaica! I really want to go sometime. Wow, it does look really warm!
p.s. I'm having a bad case of woodwarth-dramatic-withdrawl!

Anonymous said...

They were great pictures!
Jamaica sounds really fun I have never been out of the states.
More later=D


Anonymous said...

Do we like Singing in the Rain??? Yep, I would say we do:-)
It's a musical, Gene Kelly, Donald O'Conner and Debbie Reynolds are in it. It's neat story and has some great songs and this one girl who's a stitch. She's got this high squeaky voice. She's a great person for quotes, too. :-)

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Oh I LOVE singing in the rain! You should really watch it! There's just one song that we don't like.It's called Broadway something.
We went to Mantego Bay Kourtney. January 4th through 12th. Thanks for the hat complement! I like it too. Did you get my letter? I thought I sent it 5 days ago. But I just found my letter, at my house and I'm not sure if what I have is a draft, or the final letter. If it is the latter, did I never send it at all, or are you going to get an empty envelope? I am so smart sometimes...
:-) Lydia



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