Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Greetings!!!!! Welcome to my blog! *waves* I'd like to thank my parents for permission to create and maintain my own blog, and for agreeing to oversee it. I don't have a very busy life. The only things I do most days of the week is: eat, sleep, do school, chores, and think. I know you'd be bored with the eat, sleep, do chores part so the majority of my posts will be from the "think" part of my day. I enjoy composing stories in my head, so a few of them might make their way here. Or I could just post about how good God is to me. Also, I greatly enjoy reading quotes from Founding Fathers and such; it's so interesting to read what people thought about way back when, and how it applies to life today. For example, Thomas Jefferson said "I have come to the resolution myself, as I hope every good citizen will, never again to purchase any article of foreign manufacture which can be had of American make, be the difference of price what it may." Sound like China, anyone?
Another one of my favorites is from Abraham Lincoln. "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Good news, if you want to be miserable, you can!
If you were not at all interested reading that, you most likely won't like my blog. I will once in awhile post something interesting that happened to me, but most of the posts will be stuff like that, quotes, things I'm learning, scritch scratch I write, and maybe a bit of humor, something I think is funny. Like this quote from Abraham Lincoln "Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally." hehehehe...


Anonymous said...

Hi dear,
great site!

Erica said...

Yay!!! Welcome to the blogging communittee. :) I love your blog already, because it's so you!! :D

"I'm very old fashioned and proud of it" made me laugh. You sweetie!!


Nicky Story said...

you are too cute! keep up the good writing! :) Love ya bunches!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lydia! I'm so very glad you got a blog. I'm really looking forward to reading it :D Keep on posting,


p.s. I EXTREMELY agree with Abreham Lincoln's quote that most people are about as happy as they decide to be!

Anonymous said...
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An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Thanks everyone! This is going to be such fun!



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