Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Secret to Life.

I really love Ben Franklin quotes. He was brilliant. He also had a knack for making fun of you without offending you. The man had a unique angle to the way he looked at life, a rare way but the correct one. This pretty much sums it up.

"Work as if you were to
live a hundred years.
Pray as if you were
to die tomorrow."


Erica said...

I saw your post title and I thought you were posting about Kenny Chesney's latest song.

haha. That would've been funny.

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Yeah, it is a werid title, but I couldn't think of anything else. YOur thought is highly impossible too, I don't even know who Kenny Chesney is.

Pat I said...

I love your current fave picture!! Scary isn't quite the word I'd use. I think I'd go with devious and quite gleeful about it!

Incomplete said...

Your not missing anything about Kenny Chesney. Little five-foot-somthin', bull ridin' twerp. The stories I could tell . . .

I love Franklin. He actually makes sense. Brilliance that is accessible to all men. He was a genious, who in Kiplings words, could "talk with crowds and keep *his* virtue, or walk with kings-nor lose the common"



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