Wednesday, November 7, 2007

They're at it again!!!!!!!!!

The Kendrick Brothers (Flywheel, Facing the Giants) are working on their new movie "Fireproof" set to come out August 2008. They're blog is I don't know about you. But I'm excited!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

that looks really good. are you having a good time. miss you all. im having a good time here, and you will not believe what happened yesterday. I GOT A GUN. I CALLED NICK AND HE LIKE COULD NOT STOP TALKING HE WOULD NOT BELIEVE ME HE WAS LIKE JUMPING OFF THE WALLS,LITERALLY, HE TOLD ME HE WAS. IT'S THE EXACT SAME GUN THAT HE HAS IT'S A .12 GA PUMP-ACTION MOSSBURG IT'S GOT A DARK WOOD STOCK AND PUMP AND TWO CHOKES (MOIFIED AND FULL)AND BLACK METAL AND G+G GOT SLUGS FOR IT YESTERDAY NIGHT WHEN I WAS AT CLASS. uncl paul is coming over tomorow to hunt and sight some guns, including mine, in. i'll listen to the game warden tonight at hunter's safety class last night was interesting i'll call after i get home tonight

-a hunter in training

Kristi said...

I am sure this is going to be another good movie!

Lil red said...

Oooo! I can't wait for it to come out!

Incomplete said...

I hope they bring up their game



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