Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Had 62 Bobby Pins In My Hair Last Night

Here's some of my favorite pictures from the weekend. Captions above pictures.

Joe and I.

Sam and I (a.k.a. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby)

My "family" L to R: Alice (by the end of the play my "daughter-in-law") Tony (my "son") Anthony Kirby (my "husband") and me ("Miriam Kirby")

Tony demonstrating how he yells his head off and gets everything he wants.

I faint once.
Make that twice. This is personally my favorite picture of the 2 nights.
Or three times. I admit it, I love swooning.

To be continued...



Rebecca said...

Great pictures!! too funny. I love the fainting ones. I'm laughing remembering John flying across the stage to catch you during fainting spell #2. Too bad he didn't. :)

Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun! What play were you acting in??

Cassandra said...

GREAT pictures! It looks like so much fun!!! I'm sure that you are an EXCELLENT fainter. :D

Alissa said...

You did such a great job, Lydia! Yes, post more pictures soon!

Abutton said...

You look awesome! I wish I'd been there.



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