Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Clarificatioin and Some Random Thoughts.

Clarification: Joe didn't not "hack" my blog. I accidentally left myself signed in.

What can I say? Brothers make life interesting.

Randomness 1: Mom, Luke Joe and I are leaving (ideally) at 9 to go to Ohio for a speech and debate competition. This is regionals and I'm really hoping to qualify for Nationals, but if we don't I'm sure we'll still have an amazingly awesome time.

Randomness 2:We got a video camera so you can go to Joe's Blog: for video updates.

Randomness 3: Mom, Susie and I just answered all three of the phones at the same time.

Randomness 4: Speaking of Susie, it's her birthday today! Happy Birthday Dear!

Randomness 5: Another one of my classmates is engaged. That makes 5 (I think). I'm super happy for them, but it's weird. We're all growing up so fast.

Randomness 6: Cowgirl_E is in TX. We made a grand scheme for me to go down there with them.... it sounded lovely but it was not meant to be. *sniff*

Randomness 7: This is my new favorite song from a musical:

Randomness 8: I'll be home Sunday night in time to see the last episode of Little Dorrit (my new favorite mini-series) I love Dickens, but sometimes he drives me bonkers. I have NO IDEA what's going to happen. All I gotta say is Arthur and Amy better end up together or I will be MOST DISPLEASED!

Non-Randomness 1: I promise someday soon this blog will become less random.


Alissa said...

Which classmate is engaged now??

Cowgirl_E said...

oh my you mentioned me! I feel world-famous. G can't get our laptop to connect to his internet, so I can't use skype. :(

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Katie W. is engaged Alissa!

I hope you're having a great time despite no skype Erica. And I'm not sure being mentioned on my blog makes you world-famous.



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