Monday, August 31, 2009

This Weekend

I was going to:
Work Friday afternoon.
Spend the Friday night and Saturday at the home of one of my very dearest friends.
Go to my little brother's baptism on Sunday.
It would be a fun weekend spent with family and friends.

I ended up:
Calling in sick Friday.
Instead I spent the next 3 days doing variations of the following:
Blowing my nose
Wishing I could breath normally
Attempting to talk
Not being able to talk
Taking my temperature
Taking it again
Taking vitamins
Drinking honey lemon water
Not really sleeping
Not really eating
Wishing I was at Lillie's
Wishing I could go to Luke's baptism
Wishing I wasn't home alone

Oh the irony of a sudden summer cold.


Gabby Waddick said...

Hope you feel better soon! :)



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