Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Distortion of Beauty

I've seen this video a couple of times, every time I get this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. These people are debasing God's greatest creation. Stripping it of it's gorgeous uniqueness and degrading to man's low standard of so called "beauty". Ugh.


Erica said...

ha! You so stole that! I so have that posted on my blog!


Cassandra said...

Wow, Lydia. That's so sad! The make-up is one thing, but editing it on the computer... that's horrible!

I believe that every woman or girl that I see is beautiful because they were made by God in His image.

Have you ever heard the Steven Curtis Chapman song 'Fingerprints of God'? This post reminds me of that.

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Yeah I stole it. I admit it. I figured it was okay since you only linked to it.

Cassie: The computer editing is what makes me mad too! I don't remember that song, but I like Steven Curtis Chapman, so I'll have to check it out.

Julia said...

Hey Lydia!

yeah I know... ugh.

Hope you're having a great time on your vacation!

BTW, where did you find those supercute sidebar pics? (i.e, the 'cinderella' one?)


Kourtney Ann said...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
That's just wrong!
It reminds me of the song "Beautiful You". I'm not sure who sings it but the choirs is: "There could never be a more beautiful you!
Despite the lies, disguises and hoops they make you jump through.
You were made to fill a purpose that only you can do.
So there could never be a more beautiful you!"

hermitgirl said...

When I saw this it made me think of the same song (beautiful you). It's by Jonny Diaz.
At least it shows that it's pretty hopeless to try to look like a model or something.

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Julia, this is where I found the Cinderella button :

It's adorable isn't it?



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