Saturday, February 20, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy/Things That Make Me Sad

1. Pushing Daises (Absolutely adorable TV show!)
2. My little pink laptop
3. My jaunty yellow sports car
4. Lightly falling snow
5. Boots so my poor little feet don't freeze in said snow
6. Warm temperatures in February (40 degrees!!! Spring can not come soon enough for me!)
7.An American guy winning Gold in the 2010 Olympics (Evan Lysacek = Amazing)
8. My lovely wonderful jobs (that's right people, I have two jobs, and I absolutely LOVE both of them, I'm a lucky lady!)
9. Texting
10. Laughter, even at one's own expense, is still terrifically calming and wonderful.

1. My stupid inclination to procrastination
2. My complete inability to be patient
3. People who think they know everything
4. People who feel the need to let me know that they know everything
5. Never having a clue about how to do anything
6. Premature death
7. The fact that I will never be able to sing the way I'd like to
8. My hair
9.How superficial I can be sometimes
10. How life is made up of so much sadness, although it always seems as if there's just enough happiness to make it all worth while...




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