Monday, April 2, 2007

Adventures of the Babysitter

Picture this: two baby girls, somewhere between 6 months and a year. Playing on a carpeted floor, one dark haired with brown eyes. The other, light blond hair and blue eyes. The light baby is sucking a binky happily. The dark haired one reaches over and with a determined swipe, plucks the binky away, depositing it in her own mouth contentedly. Light looks a bit startled, but makes no verbal complaint beyond a mumbled fuss. Time passes, Dark becomes upset about something and starts up a wail, out falls the binky. The chance Light has been waiting for, grabbing her property back, she plops it back in her mouth and turns away to play more. Dark, with a fuss, goes for it again, now smarter, Light moves off. Who knew being 8 months could be so complicated??

Crankiness sets in, and our heroine Babysitter herself, is forced to make a decision. On the edge of the living room sits a bouncy chair, complete with lights, sound, toys, rattles, everything that could possibly be annoying, also on the front is the most essential element, a button to turn it off. Light is put in it and for the first time all day is content... for 5 minutes. Soon a piercing cry splits the air, Babysitter, playing quietly with Dark, sighs. Out goes Light, in goes Dark. Dark, who loves the bouncy, could be in there for hours and starts cooing happily. Light looks confused, wasn't she just enjoying herself in there a bit ago? She bawls. Babysitter can not figure out what is wrong, she acted as if she wanted out, now she wants in. Another switch is made, maybe she made a mistake. WAAAAAAAA! On the other hand, maybe she didn't. Another switch. Soon Babysitter realizes the problem. Light wants to play with the toys in the bouncy, but to leave Babysitter's lap?? Are you kidding?? Babysitter sits on the floor in front of the bouncy holding Light in her lap while she plays with the toys on the bouncy while Dark jumps around in the bouncy.

Having twins would definitely be interesting...

Will Babysitter survive till Mom gets home????? Stay tuned for another adventure!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

thats a funny story! oh hi lidia -E

Anonymous said...

thats a funny story i will stay tunned for the rest of the story.~A

p.s. if you would please call me ange. ~A is just short for ange.

Katie said...

hehe!!! I have ALWAYS wanted twins... and since you will have experience you can come help me :)

Rebecca said...

Oh boy, Lyds. That's pretty funny! I happen to know for a fact that "babysitter" survives...

Erica said...

I know the babysitter survived too! In fact, she told me all about it the next day! :) Autumn and...I forget...?

I always kinda wanted twins, too. We're going to have to live relatively close together, Lyds, so you can come and babysit! (And I'm fixin' to live in Nebraska, so...)


Anonymous said...


Incomplete said...

"On the edge of the living room sits a bouncy chair, complete with lights, sound, toys, rattles, everything that could possibly be annoying, also on the front is the most essential element, a button to turn it off." That was awesome Lids. The irony is great and the solution so simple, it's brilliant. More like this! By the way, what ever happen to that reading material you were going to share with me?

Erica said...

Sorry to comment twice, but I just saw that you had a picture of the Little Women cast at the bottom of your page! I love it!! We're so cute. S. Marmee...*sigh* I shall never have that figure.


Lil red said...

Hi Lydia,
Great story! I've done a little babysitting, and from the little that I've done, I've found out that babysitting can be fun, but yet challenging (sorry if that didn't make much sense!). Annie

Anonymous said...

I LOVED your story!
Babysitting is the BEST isn't it?
Oh it's not always easy, but in the end it's all worth it!
Thank God for babies! (and toddlers too:D)

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Thank you everyone for the nice complements!! I think I had more fun writing that then actually doing it! Thought the girls were sweethearts. The names are Autumn and LEAH, Erica. Now guess which is Light and which is Dark. (No one in my family can answer.) I'll visit you all I can when you have twins Erica, but I don't know if I'll have time to babysit if I'm busy with my triplets I've always dreamed of having...

Your reading material is coming Tyson...slowly, do you know how long it takes to type up 20 notebook pages?? I'm figuring out. Can I have an extra week?

Anonymous said...

You're great Lyds. How often do you have to babysit Autumn and LEAH?
I'm aching to hear when babysitter can come out for a visit!!,


p.s. Becca....did you HAVE to give the whole story away?? Are you SURE babysitter survives??

Anonymous said...

What a great story, Lydia! If I may ask, does this flow from your own personal experience? :-) I enjoyed it immensely!
Kristi W.

Anonymous said...

Hah hah! LOL! Great story Lydia! I just have one question how come I didn't hear this one yet? I thought I was in this family too? :( Well great story I'm looking forward to the next one!


Erica said...

Light baby is Leah. Dark is Autumn.


Kourtney Ann said...

I agree with Erica (on which baby is which)

Kourtney Ann said...

I really like the 'Grandmas Attic' books!
How do you like 'This Present Darkness'?

Anonymous said...

Who knows, we might not have the conclusion to the "Adventures of a Babysitter" series. We might read the in the headlines " Mysterious disappearance of "Babysitter" " It will go on to say, The two key witnesses,Autumn and Leah, also known as Dark and Light, or unable to talk at this time. We have no clues to were the "Babysitter: has gone. Pl;ease forward any information to , blah, blah, blah, blah.



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