Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Transformation

OK, so yesterday I had this list:

The "Clean Room" and "Put away clean laundry" items were the most urgent was because I've been really busy with the upcoming homeschool play and haven't had time to clean. Therefore my room looked like this:

Yes, I know, awful.
But what about this?
As you can see I tackled my room and...drum roll please...CLEANED it!!! It needed it to because I'm doing costumes for the homeschool play and we had play practice everyday this week. I've barely had enough time to eat and sleep. I know that's not a good excuse for having a really messing room, but it's my only one... I usually keep my room in pretty good shape, when I have time. Every year I do a spring cleaning , usually in preparation for a graduation party, there isn't one this year so I did it early. Enjoy pictures of my hard earned transformation!
To this!

Then this:

To this.

Nothing like a full day of cleaning to make one feel accomplished. How do public school kids do it? My room was a pigsty and I was only busy for ONE week, not a whole school year!

Debbie and I were fooling a round with the camera and taking a bunch of funny shots of me in my maid outfit.

All of them are crossed off now:)

P.S. The play went great last night, I'll post some pictures soon as I can. Then I'll tell you about our mid-performance adventure when someone got conked in the head and started to bleed...


Anonymous said...

Ah, a beautiful clean room to enjoy now! One of the pictures isn't up.

Lil red said...

Hi Lydia,
Wow! And I thought my messy room was bad ( yours was worse :O ). But it looked very nice once you got it cleaned. I love your "maid" outfit! Did you make costumes for the play? What was the play called? I so want to be in a play! Annie

Rebecca said...

"I usually keep my room in pretty good shape when I have time" ?????? what's that about? Who's room are you talking about? I appeal to Nack (as your roomate) to test the truth of that statment.

Erica said...

Oh, I am so totally with Becca. What are you talking about? I've been in your room, Lyds. Every time I come I start pulling out piles and piles of junk from underneath your bed, and I go through it all for you! And don't even get me started on the piles next to your bed! I have a strong suspicion that the piles of "organized junk" are still hanging around, however cunningly you hid them in those pictures!

I can't believe Nack could stand it...being the orderly little perfectionist that I am, I would've made you clean it up. :) You're really nice, Nack.

I can't wait to see pictures of the play. And I know you're dying to call me and tell me all about it, so DO! How 'bout tomorrow afternoon? (Did you tell your family that I loved hearing them on speaker phone?)

Fun post. :)


Oh, guess what? Today Ashley and Sarah came out, and we had to hang out for awhile before we could go ride, so we went to my room. They'd never seen our house before, and they LOVED my room. Ashley declared right away that some night after practice we HAD to have a sleepover at my house...haha. She wants to have a sleepover with me after she sees my room. Does she want to sleep in, or sleep with?? But honestly, she's been really nice to me lately, and we're getting to be pretty good friends. Yay!

(I should've put this in an e-mail, it's so long...oh well. You live for comments on your blog!)

Katie said...

ditto! You do not keep your room clean most of the time.

although you are a S_______ so, maybe those organized piles of junk are your version of clean...

It looks beautiful now!

Rebecca said...

Hmmm... yes, that is true. Our family is infamous for our "piles." We are pile people. I admit it freely. However, we usually know exactly where things are! At least I know where the things are in my piles...

Anonymous said...

weeeel...I was going to comment on the "usually clean" thing but others have already kind of covered that area so I'll just say:
You did a wonderful job, and after all the cleaning you should be proud of yourself. I so, so understand about the play keeping you busy....but I don't know how Nack could stand to be in her room.
Please,Please, Please post pictures of the play!


p.s. What?? None of my sisters are graduating this spring?? Why, You're right! Debbie last next!

Anonymous said...

"I know where things are in my piles!" Exactly! I know where everything is in my stuff, but I can't find anything on Lydia's side of the room.
Stephanie got some really good pictures of the play so you should see it soon, merrill!

SingingBird2 said...

Well I wanted to comment but at the time I received this Email telling about your blog, I was just to tired...but I figured I'd drop by and say hello...hows' everything going up in WI?? aww I always miss WI in the spring..well later! :-)

Anonymous said...

Lydia, I'll tell you how public school kids keep their room clean. We don't. We have a major clean up on Saturday, usually progressing to later in the afternoon. I ,usually though, I'm able to keep my room clean. Though my sister's favorite spot to throw "piles" is in our closet.



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