Monday, October 15, 2007

You Might Be A Homeschooler If...

Your stacks of books to check out are taller than the librarian.
Your PE comes from chasing little toddlers around.
Your school bus is a 12 passenger van.
Your father has ever told the check-out lady at Wal-mart, "We're on a field trip."
Your social life is viewed by some to be one rung lower than that of a Benedictine monk.
The signatures on your diploma all end with the same last name.
The word 'homework' sounds like a foreign language.
Your yearbook is also your baby book.
A snow day means that you shovel the driveway after you finish your school work.
Health class consists of eating breakfast.
You have to decide what year you want to graduate.
The teacher can kiss the principal, and no one thinks it's unusual.
You get to school and the teacher asks you if you've done all your chores.
You have a bottle of water in your fridge labeled- do not drink, science experiment.
You have no clue how to use a calculator.



Erica said...

I use my calculator all the time! Thank goodness for calculators. :O)

I always wished we could have "real" snow days...

Erica said...

I have more to say, so I'm commenting again.

I miss you so much, darlin'! Would you call me this weekend? Pllleaaasse?? I'm dying to hear from you.

Thanksgiving is only a month and a half away. I CANNOT wait.

Yes, I loved the avatars for The Incredibles! They were great. Thanks so much, Debbie! I had the "Coincidence? I think not!" up for awhile, but then I changed it. They're both so funny!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! That's SO true!

Anonymous said...

I love the part about the principal and the teacher. It's my favorite part of the job!



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