Sunday, July 26, 2009

I Have A Double LIfe

By day, most of you know me as a sweet-tempered Librarian.

But sometimes, at night, when the wind is right (aka, when I'm in the mood) my secret life calls me...

and I travel back to the 1940's and my life....

... as a Vogue model.


Cassandra said...

Ha-ha! I love the pics!!!

You look so cute and the black and white is the perfect effect!

Love and Blessings,

Gabby Waddick said...

Dahhhhh-ling you look faboulaous!

The Von Eight said...

You girls are adorable! I love the 30's and 40's. sigh. why can't those styles come back???


Elizabeth said...

Oh, oh, I love it! :D



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