Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Boring Post Day Contest

The other day I had a moderately good idea. For your convience I have divided my idea into alphabetical order:

a. I post on my blog, putting forth the idea that we have a contest to see who can write the most boring post.

b. Persons 'a' 'b' and 'c' comment and say they will compete. Bloggers 'a' 'b' and 'c' all decide on a date.

c. On that date bloggers 'a' 'b' and 'c' write the most boring post they can think of, either just really boring, or hilariously boring.

d. Anyone who wishes reads the posts, and then votes on who should win.

e. The winner, lets say, blogger 'c', gets a prize from me and everyone has a good laugh over it.

Or, of course, y'all might think it's a lame idea and only "a." happens.

Sound like fun?


Katie said...

hahahaha!!! I'm all for reading and voting. But, don't count me in for blogging, I would totally forget which day it was and win the prize for the most boring post which never existed at all!!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh...count me in too! You can even count me in for the blogging if you want.
I confess, at first I thought it was the worst idea you'd had in a long time but I'm really warming up to it now!:D
Do we get to pick any subject we want, or do we all try to write the boringest post on just one subject and see who can write the dryest? :D

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a lot of fun!
But, I'm not sure I can write a boring post:D I'm willing to try, though! Count me in:D

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Glad you all don't think I'm off my nut:)

Just the person who can be the dryest I guess Merry. You can erite about whatever you wish, I soppose it could de just plain boring or hilarously boring, you know what I mean??

What date shall we do?

Anonymous said...

How 'bout in around a week? I would make mine humerous but I think if I made it too funny people wouldn't think it was boring :D This could be fun though...
Did you hear Rachel is coming home tonight? YAY!


p.s. I hope I'm not commenting too much...?

Lil red said...

Hi Lydia,
I would like to enter a post in your contest. When do we have to have our posts written? Are you going to add up the votes and judge at the end of the week? It might take me a day or two to pick something to write about. Annie

Rebecca said...

I'm sure I'm very boring in real life... but I'm not sure... I'll read the boring posts tho...!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what you guys will write about, melting candy bars. Mabye you should do it the other way. You know, make something really boring really interesting. Like how to probaly fold clothes or better yet, how to buckle ones seat belt. It's probaly already too late for you to change, but mabye another one should be called for. And when will you guys post it? Tell me so I can vote in.



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