Saturday, May 12, 2007

To My Mother~In Honnor of Mothers Day, a letter to my Mom

Dear Mom
Being the sixth of your nine children people might think I'd get lost somewhere between the accomplished older ones and the cuter younger ones. I beg to differ. Through all my 16 years you've always had time to make me feel loved, different and special, although I know I'm equal to my sibs in your eyes. So far 5 of them you've schooled from kinder to 12th, they graduated with flying colors. And although I'm a dunce sometimes (you have amazing patience) I know I'll make it too, 'cause you're the best homeschool mom there is! The most important thing you've ever taught me is about God's saving grace and love. You're my role model of who I want to be when I grow up: A Godly women, wife and mother. I'm sure you're the best mom there is. That's because you're mine.
Happy Mother's Day


Lil red said...

Hi Lydia,
I loved your letter! I'm sure your mom was blessed. Great picture too ( you really look a lot like your mom ). Annie

Anonymous said...

Very sweet, Lydia! I hope my kids say the same about me (when they're old enough to write, that is...) Keep pressing on in God and allow His working in your soul, and you will be that virtuous woman from Proverbs 31, whose "price is far above rubies."
You are a blessing to me, sister!
Love you!

Rebecca said...

yep. she's the best!

Anonymous said...

Ok Lyds She read it!
Secret Agent o8-88

Anonymous said...

I can't see the picture! *starts crying*
It must be even more so when you're sort of stuck in the middle, but my Mom seems to sort of help me bring out our personality in just day to day life. Odd isn't it?

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

I can't figure put why the picture won't show...hmmmm. Katie??

Yes, I love my Mommy. Anyone willing to take me driving is AWESOME!

Erica said...

Your Mom is the best. One of the best. I love her!


Anonymous said...

Lydia how were you ever able to write something so nice for your mother.

If it wre me it'd be like really love you..humph...your the best... THaks...Loving daughter,

That is why we gave our mother little coupons saying we'll do some of the more dreaded jobs. Works nicely enough and sure doesn't seem to bad when you write it, that is until you do it. But I really have a lot to thank my mother for. The fact that she has made me laugh at my self when I do one of those famous yet infamous trips.



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