Tuesday, May 1, 2007

High School Banquet!!

Last Thursday was my Sophomore year of our yearly High School Banquet. High School Banquet is our homeschool group's equivalent to Prom, which we DON'T do. Rather we all get dressed up, do our hair and get a bunch of pictures taken before having a fancy 5 course meal. It's always lots of fun. As I said, this year was my Sophomore year, but I was sitting right by the Freshman table so I gave them advice the whole evening, about which fork to use , not to burn the mint leaves in the candles etc.

Lillie's mom hosted the banquet so she came to our house to get ready. Needless to say, Susie had a hay day with Lillie's waist length hair.

I think it looks like Margret Hale's from North & South.

My friend Heather also came over, Debbie did her hair, we also carpooled with another family who has a Junior boy and a Freshman girl, and two other friends of mine who came for my sisters hair expertise. All are in the picture.

Along with Luke of course, who insisted on being in one of the pictures.

I wish I could show you a picture of all of the 45 homeschoolers who showed up, but, as with Pink Panther, I don't have one, I am planning on asking someone for a copy, so I'll post it later. I loved the fabric on my dress but I got it second hand so it needed some adjustments, so (drum roll please) I fixed it, by MYSELF on a real sewing machine!! Aren't you all proud of me??? I got my sweater second-hand too, it had a button missing so I took them all off and put on pearl ones, only to discover on Sunday that there was an extra button on a tag on the inside... well more sewing never hurt anyone.

BTW I started my first real job yesterday as a hostess and busboy...err...busgirl... busser, at the local Country Kitchen. I like it so far, but the first day first job thing was slightly frightening.


Rebecca said...

so how come you didn't post a picture of your hair?


An Old Fashioned Girl said...

I don't have one. I don't have any picture of just me actually. You know Sara D. did take a picture of the back of Lillie and my hair, maybe I can get it from her. EDITOR'S NOTE : REBECCA DID MY HAIR IT WAS AWESOME AND I LOVED IT!!!

Thank you!!!!

Anonymous said...

First of all: You all, you three, Becca,Sue, and Marmee, are exquisite at hair. Your skills at hair are amazing and I think you should open a barber shop in Bellwood Nebraska--okay David City. I am very impressed, and not only are you good at hair, I have so many good,nay, wonderful memories of you all doing my hair...such as my school picture hair was done by Marmee...
OK back to commenting:
"gave them advice throughout the evening" LOL . Lydie-Bee you really make me smile. I'm sure your advice was very good.

Mr. Bingley: "All young ladies are accomplished. They sing, they draw, they dance, speak French and German, cover screens and I know not what."
OK, so I guess he didn't mention sewing but wonderful job on the dress!! It looks so perfect. I like it a lot.
In the picture, it seems like you look a lot like Sue. I think if I saw you in real life I might have cryed (yes I cry easily) just because you looked so wonderful, and I like you so much.

p.s. whewww..that got long! sorry :D

Rebecca said...

I cried Merrill.

Anonymous said...

"I gave advice to the Freshman" I hope they wanted it Lydia;-)
Merry, I MISS you!!

Erica said...

Debbie, your comment made me smile. :)

I love your dress, Lydia. You knew I would. :-)


Breaking News: Rachel's coming home for the summer--not going to summer school at Berry!

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Wanting and NEEDING are two different things. They NEEDED 90% of the advice and ASKED for the other 10%.

I miss you too Merry!!!!!


Anonymous said...

It sure sounds like you had a great time Lydia! From the picture of all of you, even though I couldn't see you very well, I thought your hair looked great!
I liked your dress too! That and let us give credit where credit is due - good for you for fixing it and sewing on the buttons. I'm sure the sweater looked much nicer with the pearl buttons anyhow. :-)

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Eroca~ She's coming to your house??? YIPEEE!!! Now we HAVE to come visit. Why no Summer School?


Anonymous said...

I thinked you looked wonderful Lydia. If it were me doing your hair it would come out looking like you'd just woken up and had the night before teased your hair. So bravo, bravo, to the wonderful hairstylists. Much better and more creative then a high-paying movie star's hairslonist could have ever done.
Lydia are you sure about only 10% asked? I'd now I'd rather would have just looked then damaged my pride by asking.
I also think your dress loked lovely! If it had been me doing it it would have come out...um...humph...chompish? mangilated? shortened? doll sized? Who now's and I don't think anyone wants to find out.

Kourtney Ann said...

I love your dress! It is SO cute!!
Lillie's hair is AMAZING!!!
(Okay sorry for all of the exclamation points)



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