Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Results are in...

(Note: This post has nothing to do with the Iowa Caucus)

Auditions were this afternoon!! Joe and I tried out of course. I love auditions. The one time you get to play all the parts, just the way you want, you also get to see everyone else act ridicules :-) It does take a long time though. You see there were 4 different scenes, and we had to do them over and over and over again, so everyone could do all the different parts. We were there for 5 hours. But it was fun.

So, you're probably all going, "Well Lydia, we like it that you like auditions, but who got what?" Or maybe you're not wondering that, and you could care less. I'll tell you anyways. Joe is cast as an Indian and a Wolf... My Friend Lillie is Nibs, one of the lost boys, Joe gets to chase her:-) Deborah W. is playing Omnes, also one of the lost boys. All of the lost boys will be played by girls, which is kind of odd, but it doesn't bother me much.

Oh yeah, I'm playing Michael Darling:-)


Katie said...

The lost boys are played by girls lots of times..

You get to FLY!!!!!!!!!

You can fly, you can fly, you can fly , you can fly!

Lady Dvora said...

How about you slip me into rehearsel once and I'll be in disguise as you disguised as a boy and I'll get to try out flying!!!

Erica said...

YAY!!!!!! How exciting. :) I wish I could come...SO badly. So, so, so badly. Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

You get to fly?!?! *green with envy*

I love that book...good rainy day read :) You have to send us lots of pics so that we can see you in costume and flying. And as a boy...again.

Anonymous said...

Oh! That sound like SO much fun!!!
I love acting! My sister and I used to put on "wild theatricals"! Now I can never coax her into doing them with me.

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

Well, we'll see if I fly. We dono't know if the high school we porform in had the technology to enable us to fly. And of it does we'd have to pay some professional certifide person to operate the pullys and wires.

All the could work out, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up :)



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