Monday, January 21, 2008

Homeschool Humor

We get a magazine published by HSLDA (Home School Legal Defence Association). They always have some reader submitted humorous true stories illustrating that homeschooling is the best education possible. For some reason this month's stories really hit my funny bone, so I thought I'd share a few.


"While reviewing WWII history with my 4th and 6th grade daughters, I prompted, "You remember what happened in England during the war?"
My 6th grader answered, "The Germans bombed London."
"And where did the Londoners send their children to keep them safe?"
"To Narnia!" answered my younger daughter.
My husband teaches a class for boys on Wednesday nights at our church.
Most of the boys only sporadically attend church.
One night they were asking all kinds of questions about God, such as "Who is God?" and "Was God married?" My 7-year old son started answering the questions before my husband could.
Finally one boy asked my son, "How come you are so smart?"
Another boy sighed and answered, "He's homeschooled.
He knows everything."
Our 10-year-old daughter, Rea, was studying simple machines in a science class.
She had to solve a problem involving a boy whose math book accidentally pinned under the wheel of his Dad's car.
The father had gone away for a long trip, and the boy had to get the math book out.
Rea was given a list of several items available and was supposed to find a solution using load, fulcrum and force in order to raise the car.
Rea abandoned the lever solution. "I'm sure the boy's father would have left a spare set of keys, so I would just ask the mother to move the car," she decided. Then, almost immediately, she added, "On second thought, I would just leave the math book there!"
Girl after my own heart...
When my oldest son was 5, he decided to memorize the books of the Bible.
This was hard work- he constantly went around the house reciting the books as best he could. One day, he stopped at II Kings unable to remember what came next.
I had no idea his 3-year-old sister had taken any interest in his project, until she eagerly shouted, "I know! I know! First and Second Criminals!!"


Anonymous said...

those are cute!

Lady Dvora said...

To Narnia!!
I'm sure if the parents had had a choice they would have sent them there :)

Rebecca said...

to narnia!!! lol

Liz Brown said...

LOL! My sister just read that to me this morning and we laughed about it. So cute :) And I don't blame her for thinking so ... :)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I've got the "Shes homeschooled she knows every thing" one before:D There all so funny, and so likely to happen around our house!!
That reminds me of something my little brother said. He was about four. We were driving out of the Wal-Mart parking lot around Christmas time, we were driving past a big plastic slay with Santa and his Reindeer when Jake suddenly cried out "Look Mom! It's Noah and the Reindeer"!!!
Great post Lydia!

Erica said...

I miss you!



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