Monday, July 28, 2008

A Sampling of Some Camp Flavor

Courtesy of David and Kristi's camera...


Julia said...

*grins* Sounds like fun! Were you doing an obstacle course race?
BTW I got an interesting email the other day and posted about it...hint-hint.

Rebecca said...

lol!!!! My favorite part is at the end when Kristi says "Oh, Lydia, oh mercy!" when you decided to just plow through all the hurdles. And my arms fly up in the air like "Wha...?"

Moriah A. said...

Funny! That was a fun day! You made my day!

Lady Dvora said...

Only you Lydia!!

Christopher has missed you :)

hermitgirl said...

Lydia, Lydia lydia. if all else fails when you get retired become one of those old geezers who tell their grankids weird stories of youth. :)

Kourtney Ann said...

Those are my favorite parts too Becca!!
"Oh, Lydia, oh mercy"!! That's just too funny!



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