Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thankful Thursday #3

This is probably what everyone else is doing this week. But, hey, it's what I'm thankful for!


I live in the U.S.A. and while we have our problems, I do believe since God was at the base of our country (aka "In God we trust") there are things in this country that are an amazing blessing from God. In this country we do not have a dictator telling us what to do or killing us for his own amusement. We (for the present time) have a Godly man in the oval office, who cares about the American people and who loves God. I have religious freedom. I can own a Bible, I can go to church. I can share my faith in public and I won't get imprisoned and beaten.

I can travel acrossed two states and not be stopped at borders and questioned.

Which is nice, because I don't want to wait any longer the necessary to see these smiling faces:




Lill said...

Couldn't agree more!

Julia said...

Amen! :) Happy July 4, Lydia!
I still read Encyclopedia Brown too! Only now I can sort of figure out the mysteries...

Anonymous said...

Yay another Thankful Thursday!
Happy Independence Day!! Lydia!
How did you day go? What did you guys do?

Brianna said...

Hi Lydia!
Great post...and I love the pics! They're so cute!
Thanks for your comment!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I likes that picture of us!



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