Friday, September 12, 2008

The Best Kind of Writing!

BTW, I updated The Blank Page.


hermitgirl said...

Lydia, how did you know that's how I write? Na, but it does create interesting writings with last minute panic.

Valerie said...

HAHA! That's me right now. Assignment due TODAY. Article not finished. Why am I reading blogs instead of trying to finish it?

Kourtney Ann said...

Ahem! Where is our "Thankful Thursday", pray tell?
I am quite at a loss as to what I should think!
My dear dependable Lydia where are you?!

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

umm.. I am thankful for Calvin and Hobbes, and comments!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Umm, The Blank Page doesn't like me. It won't let me in to show me its wonderful secrets....:)

Julia said...

Hi Lydia,

This is funny!!
Unfortunately I just delay posting if I don't have anything to say! :)

BTW, may I see the blank page?
I'm getting quite curious as to what it is!




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