Saturday, September 27, 2008

I Burn Well :-)

This evening we had stir-fry with our chicken. For a hitherto unknown reason Mom had me cut up and put together the carrots and broccoli. After I put everything into the pot Mom set me to cutting up an onion. Well, needless to say, I forgot about the pan on the stove, until, through my tears, I noticed the burning nosies coming the pan.

After I manage to scrape the carrots from the bottom of the pan and take it off the heat I was pretty discouraged. Only after looking on the bright side of things, I noticed the brown spots went quite well with orange carrots and green broccoli:-)

Mom wasn't exactly thrilled with my improving of the color scheme of diner, but she served it anyway.

Mom: "Hey Lydia, this stir-fry isn't that bad."
(She sounded really surprised!)
Debbie: "Yeah, the taste is nice, it's not really burnt, just nicely browned."
Me: "What do you know, I've discovered my hidden talent :I burn well!"
Mom: "Well, if you have to have a hidden talent, that would be an interesting one to have."

You know I always knew deep down I had an uber-talent, and if burning well is it, I'll take it.


Unknown said...

Hehe! That is funny! :P


Lady Dvora said...

Well I already gave you my heartfelt congratulations, but here they are again!




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