Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thankful Thursday #11


Just like I should be, every second of everyday.
Thank you God, for giving me life.
Thank you God for giving me parents who wanted me to have life.
Not everyone is blessed with the gift of life.
There are 1,000 of babies (yes babies)
all over the world are killed before they have a chance at life.


Kristi said...

wow, that's pretty neat to see how gianna jessen is doing today. i actually saw her at a dinner hosted by the crisis pregnancy center in lincoln. a few girls in our youth group went with our y.g. leader, who volunteered there. gianna sang and gave her testimony of surviving the saline abortion. i never forgot that but had definitely not thought of it for quite a while.

Unknown said...

I actually posted the same video on my blog. I really like her testimony. :)
Thanks for sharing this video with other people! It is such a powerful video... absolutely amazing.




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