Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Just Because I'm Silly...

Prince Caspian Bloopers


Anonymous said...

I'm so exited about it coming out today!!!!!

Unknown said...

I must say first: I have never seen Prince Caspian. :P Okay, I know it's bad, but I haven't seen it.
But even though I haven't, I loved the bloopers! :P


Alissa said...

They look like they have a lot of fun...
*envious sigh*

Anonymous said...

I love "You've got to come quick...ly" and at 0:43 when he's trying to get on his horse... :p

Sydney Smith said...

Even though I haven't seen the movie the bloopers sure are funny!
Thanks for sharing a grin


hermitgirl said...

I love the movie!!!!! WE just rewatched it and it was soooo good. The bad part is then I want to see what was all going on. :( Guess I'll have to try extended (whenever I get my hands on it) and commentary.

Anonymous said...

On a totally unrelated note:

Will you be coming to A Christmas Carol? Please? Last weekend was great! Two of our three performances were near perfect! There are three more next week. Friday and Saturday at 7:30, doors opening at 7:00. Sunday at 3:00, doors opening at 2:30. In Richland Center's old theatre.

I want to know if you're coming, so I can say hello to you afterwards. :) Miss you!

Sadie said...

Dreamily...."I'm Prince Caspian....."

"No you're not, get off!"




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