Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"When It's Dark and it's Cold..."

Now I'm going to be honest. I deal with being fearful, overly fearful. Since I'm human and female this is not an unusual thing, but it's something that, lately I've realized, has been taking up too much of my time. I'm constantly worried about this or that, breaking this losing that, messing up something important etc. The annoying thing is, when I'm worried about something I get stressed, and then I usually mess it up anyways.

Now if I worry this much about little things you don't even want to know what happens when there's actually something to worry about. Take for instance this Sunday afternoon: Debi Katie L. and I went to a play a friend of mine was in. It was in a town about 90 miles away. We had a pleasant drive up and the play was really well done. About halfway through the performance Mom texted Debi "Call and leave immediately after the show. Bad Weather."

Needless to say, I was more than a little worried.

We started home in a light rain.

It turned to ice.

Then hail.

Then it got dark.

Then we got lost in the hills of southern Wisconsin.

On icy roads.

In December.

In the middle of nowhere with no cell phone reception.

I was slightly freaked out:-)

We finally stoped at a T in the road and Debi and Katie poured over the map.

"Where are we?"

Debi put in a CD and this song started to play:

Now I love this song, it's so simple and heartfelt I've heard it many times before but This verse had verse suddenly had new meaning to me:

When it's dark and it's cold
And I can't feel my soul
You are so good
When the world is gone gray
And the rain's here to stay
You are still good
So with every breath I take in
I'll tell You I am grateful again
And the storm my swell
Even then it's well and You are good.

As I listened to this I suddenly felt peace fill my soul. God is good. He'll take care of us and he didn't need me freaking out.

By some miracle we got through to Mom and eventually got home, we took the scenic rout but we got home safe and sound to our warm and dry home.

When the sun starts to rise
And I open my eyes
You are good, so good
In the heat of the day
With each stone that I lay
You are good, so good

With ever breath I take in
I'll tell you I'm grateful again
When the moon climbs high
Before each kiss goodnight
You are good


Kristi said...

Wow, I never knew that part of your story. It's neat to hear your testimony.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got home safely! (We were wondering why you left right away. :) And I'm glad you liked the play!

Fear is one thing that I don't feel like I have a lot of. Not that I'm never afraid. :)

Katie said...

I was worried myself...because i am not very good at reading maps. So i felt bad because i could not help debbie more!! but i was glad that we did not go to far from where we were supposed to go!!!



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