Thursday, December 11, 2008

Umm.. Okay...

So I got home from work tonight to discover my I was locked out of my room.

No, there wasn't anyone inside my room.

No, I don't have a key.

No, I didn't lock it before I left. I know this because a certain party used my room as a passage way to get to the furnace room.

I tried the door a couple of times, so did Debi, it was definitively locked from the inside.


I did eventually get it open, but only after moving some boxes of canning jars and having Luke crawl through a dusty passage way beside the water heaters from the closet to the furnace room back into my room.

Yes, I have a (sort-of) secret passage way in my house. I never really appreciated it much, until tonight that is.

I'm feeling irritated


Katie said...

I didn't know that your door even locked!

Anonymous said...

Fun! A secret passage way! That could come in handy like if you ever have a fire and can't use your door!

Anonymous said...

Unrelated note again. :)

My mom sent you directions to the theatre. I hope you got them in time! We were really busy and kind of forgot. Sorry!



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