Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Numbers

Hours Worked: 8
Number of time I regretted wearing my most on uncomfortable pair of shoes: 7
Number of time I compared my head with a steel drum being played by a 3 year old: 6
Number of nice people who told me I was doing a good job: 5
Number of people who called me names other than Lydia e.g.'Hey you' 'Staff' 'Leanne!': 4
Number of rude people who told me I was doing a bad job:3
Number of times a creepy guy stared at me: 2
Number of hugs my Mummy gave me after a long hard day: Priceless


The Von Eight said...

aww, you deserved it after a day like that!
I can so totally relate as I sometimes have really bad days when I just feel like crying my eyes out. Hugs always make it better!


Lady Dvora said...

Number of Ladies who came in wearing a purple feathery coat? 1 :)



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