Monday, March 10, 2008

Chemistry Mondays

ME: *raises hand* "So pressure effects chemical equilibrium? So you can't use liquids or solids in a equations because pressure doesn't effect that, what about when pressure crushes a solid?"

Mrs. S. " Well even after something is crushed to grains of something, say salt it's still a solid, just a small one, it takes heat to make it a gas or liquid."

Ellissa: "What about peanut putter? Is it a solid or a liquid? It can't hold shape."

Lillie: "Wait, how did we get from salt to peanut butter?"

Mrs. S. "Well it's not like peanut butter is a pure element.."

Mrs. Q. "It's a mixture"

Zach: "What about Honey then? It's that same consistency."

Mrs. S. "Hold it!! I used to do this to my teacher but you can't do it to me because we have to finish this book!"

Sam: " Then to we get to blow something up?"

Class: "PLEASE!!"

Now I'm not a fan of chemistry, but our class can really be funny sometimes!!

BTW, don't worry about the blowing some thing up thing, the boys are disappointed that most of our labs consist of counting droplets and boiling cabbage leaves, (seriously!) So every week they come up with a new homemade bomb idea, I think even backing soda and vinegar would satisfy them..
So our teachers said if we finished finished the book the boys could build us some type of chemical bomb. It should be interesting...


Anonymous said...

I've never been naturally talented at the maths and sciences, so I consider Chemistry 'all right.' I find it fascinating, but it's certainly not the love of my study life.

What book do you use?

Kourtney Ann said...

Haha! That's funny!

Moriah A. said... brothers are like the same way.

Lady Dvora said...

That's Funny!!

DaveWick said...

Add the FBI to your list of readers... :)

Anonymous said...

hee! That's great!



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