Saturday, March 8, 2008

Old Fashioned Fun

Yes, I'm almost 17 years old, and yes I STILL play dress-up, just a more mature dress-up, I think, well the clothes actually fit me, so that's something...

I went to my friend Lillie's house last Saturday and we had tea and a photo shot. We can be such goofs! CAPTIONS ABOVE PICTURES

The lovely ladies themselves...
Isn't my dress a gorgeous color? Mrs. Darling is going to wear it in P.P.

I was attempting the sober Civil War widow pose in this one...

not quite sure I pulled it off.

The lovely Miss Lillian. (If you can't already tell,

I love turning pictures black and white.)

I loved this outfit, there's hardly anything as fun as going on a walk
on a snowy afternoon clad in a hoop skirt, plaid dress, wool cloak and a white huge white fur tam.

Our tea table, I decorated it my self:-) The menu was scones, chocolate cookies, tea, and a blueberry/blackberry/apple/ blueberry yogurt fruit salad topped with whipped topping. It was almost, almost, too good looking to eat:-)

Lillie's' cat enjoying the winter country-side scenery.


Anonymous said...

I think you pulled off the Civil War pose [i]admirably[/i]. You and Miss Lillian look just gorgeous!

Kristi said...

those pictures are so much fun! i really enjoyed doing civil war reenactments a few years ago in NE. it IS great fun to dress up like that (and i was something like 22 years old at the time! :-) there's something about dressing up in beautiful dresses and hoop skirts that makes you feel so ladylike.

Moriah A. said...

that looks so fun! You did a great job posing in the pictures!

yoshi3329 said...

love the dresses!

Erica said...

What fun! I love that picture of you all dressed for the cold. I miss my dress-up partner!



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