Saturday, March 8, 2008

What Happens when a Little Girl has Big Brothers?

THIS:Joe's an Indian Jones fan, and before the new movie came out he wanted to watch the previous ones. Problem is, the female members of this family aren't quite as big of fans as the males, so we packed the movies up and put them in a box in the attic. So this Saturday morning Luke (a.k.a. Indie himself), Joe (a.k.a. Indie's father) and Sarah B. (a.k.a. no one, she just dressed up for fun) went on a quest the freezing cold attic to find the movies and save the world as we know it!!!!

Well not quite, but you get the idea.

Where did I get such cute siblings?


Anonymous said...

luke was Indie's dad I was "indy See the bullwhip?

lydia did her hide under the blanket thing, for about half the film.

Anonymous said...

luke was Indie's dad I was "indy See the bullwhip?

lydia did her hide under the blanket thing, for about half the film.



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