Monday, March 3, 2008

Grammar, To Being or Not to Being

Remember the English assignment from the beginning if the school year?? Well I've written more assignments since then, but nothing too interesting. Last week's chapters assignment was to write a piece supporting a subject, but completely mean to oppose it. I was to write something by meaning something else. It's an interesting venue of the written word. Although often used in sarcasm, C.S Lewis used it in his classic "The Screwtape Letters" which I am currently reading. By writing from the view of a demon, and through that trying showing evil to be good he was actually showing how sickly evil, evil really is! I'm not aspiring to be be C.S. Lewis, but when I learned this venue was to be used in my assignment I decided to enjoy it by attack a pet peeve of mine, (a pet peeve I am ashamedly guilty of..) BAD GRAMMAR!

Hey’s me is so happy your is reading this here wrote paper. I is written it to speaks to all you that good grammer ain’t worth at all the work and trouble and all that. You who wants to messy with pronouns and nouns and verbs and proper tenses. Why you worry about the difference in seen and saw? What matters is it was looked. Was were what were the problem with it if it was that a way or were that way. Past present and future make none big deal, ain’t they the same? and in that there thought whats with capitalization and punctuation all big trouble i’s say I could be ,any trouble to figure which of whole much tenses to use when you is written when you’s could just wrote what you feels like and let the reading person figure out what you’s meet hisself that’s how come i’s going to being start a club for non-grammulacerists calling
“grammer ain’t worth it none”

Care’s to join i?

“grammer ain’t worth it none” is a corperation of “spillin shud bee otlaud”


Rebecca said...

so this is what Debbie was dying over when I was at your house earlier. You're too funny, Lyds

Miss Alice said...

I LOVE THIS! Great job, Lydia.

Lady Dvora said...

"Spillin shud bee otlaud!"
yupe I was dying!!

Kourtney Ann said...

I think I should join "Spillin Shud Bee Otlaud"! I am so bad at Spelling!!:P



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