Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Quiz that I stole from Rebecca, who stole it from Katie, who stole it from VB, who stole it from Deb...

Note: I deleted the questions that don't really apply to me.

1.) If I were a doll, the accessories packaged with me would be:
Books, a pinafore and a smile!!

2.) I have an irrational fear of:
Being bite by a snake

3.) What type of food do you eat at your grandparents house?
Lemonade, not that that's a food...

4.) What weight were you when you were born?
I have no idea.. Mom???? Okay, I was 5Ibs 6oz

5.) What would you do if you were stranded on an island with the person you hate most?
"Okay this is the line: that side is yours this side is mine, got it?"

8.) I find the thought of childbirth:
Freaky and Wonderful at the same time, mom's always say it's always worth it in the end so I'm not too frightened...

9.) Next door to my house is:
House and.. house

10.) My feet are:

11.) My preferred style of jeans is:

12.) Do you play a musical instrument?

13.) Know how to cook?
I should know.. but I really don't. I can follow a recipe, but I don't know how to cook pork or stuff like that.

14.) I am annoyed with:
The computer system at the library.

16.) What child-related smell do you not like?
Hospital rooms

17.) What sea creature scares you?
Parana, that fish that strips yours skin off... *shudders* I have an irrational fear it too..

18.) What color hair do most of the people you are around have?

19.) What object have you broken most recently?
My figurine that I got from Grandma for Christmas two years ago.

20.) Name one of the Spice Girls.
*has no idea*

21.) What was the last thing to make you cry?
Falling over a door mouse and stubbing my toe while going down the stairs in the dark.

22.) What are the stems on wine glasses for?
Hmm.. to be there, so this question could be on this quiz?

23.) My favorite shoes are:
My ballet flats and my white heels

24.) Can you use chopsticks?
I tried and I failed.. end of story.

25.) Do you prefer beaches or forests?
I like forests you don't get lost in and really clean beaches.

26.) What serial killer do you find most disturbing?
That's depressing, who wants to think about that?

27.) Who knows a secret or two about you?
Now that would be telling, wouldn't it?

28.) Have you ever burned yourself?
A few times, nothing really bad.

30.) Who is your hero[s]?
My mom, Corrie Ten Boom

40.) Do you believe that things last forever?
Not things.

41.) What are you listening to?
"Happy Working Song" from Enchanted "How does he know this song? I've never heard this song. Why does everyone know this song? I don't dance... and I really don't sing."

42.) What do you smell like?
Fresh fruit

43.) Are you married?
Nope, not ready for that...

44.) Does anyone regularly tell you they love you?
Mom , and Luke when I bring him a book from the library.

45.) What's the most confusing to you?

46.) Do you have any bad habits?
I love sleeping late, being lazy, and I bite my nails.

47.) Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
I'd like to teach little children, I don't think I'm smart enough for any higher grades.

48.) What is one thing you've learned about life?
Everything is better when your happy about it "A cheerful heart maketh good like a medicine"

49.) What's your favorite color?
Blue I guess.

50.) Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?
Nope but I though I was once...

52.) Has anyone told you that they like you more than a friend

53.) What are you looking forward to?
Performing Peter Pan

54.) How are you today?


Katie said...

umm.. that's not the happy working song.... that's umm... "How Does She Know That You Love Her?"

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

I know that, I was just quoting the movie. Both the songs are great!

Erica said...

You don't know any of the Spice Girls' names?

Aww...come on!!!


Only that wink itsn't quite accurate, because I do know some of their names. So ha!



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