Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I am 70% Average American

You Are 70% "Average American"
You are average because you don't make New Year's resolutions.

You are not average since you've known your best friend for less than ten years.


Erica said...

You know, maybe you wouldn't be so busy if you didn't spend time on these silly quizzes...


70%, eh?

You've known L.M.S. for less than ten years?

I would see what percent I was, but I don't have time. :)

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

You know after I answered that question I thought "When did we first meet the W's?" I think it was closer to 9 years.. almost ten. So I took the test agian and now I'm 80% average :-)

Katie said...

There's nothing going on about Roger. It's kinda a IDD joke.... and I couldn't think of what to put there so I put Roger :)



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