Sunday, February 17, 2008

Snow, snow and more.. you guessed it!!! SNOW

"In november the snow starts to fly pileing up ankle high.

In December it's up to your knees, still a brides a bride to be.

January, higher still, to the parlor widow sill.

February finds a drift and a storm that seems never to lift.... "

~Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

They got it right!! That's what we have right now (excepting the "a brides a bride to be part" of course...) Will it EVER stop snowing?

I think 80 inches is enough, I mean that's taller than David!!!


December: Oh look, it's snowing!!! How nice.

January: It's snowing, again.

February : WILL IT EVER STOP SNOWING???*pulls hair out*

*Tries to be cheerful*

*That dosen't help*

*Sings to self*

"Oh the barn yard is busy with the sounds of the season... spring spring spring"

Please come soon!!!


Lady Dvora said...

"and all at once, one's spring!"

Katie said...

But their spring doesn't come till May!!! I was thinking March!



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