Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lace is at Stake!

Some of you have seen Cranford. Some have only heard me rave about it. Just so you know it's hilarous!!! This is only a sampleing. BTW, if you're an animal rights person, you might not appreciate this clip...


Kourtney Ann said...

Isn't that funny? I LOVE that movie!!! Erica sent me the link. Mom and I started it, but when we went back to finish it it said the movie had been removed by the person who put it on youtube.

Lady Dvora said...


"Is someone in need of Medicial Attention?"
"This is no time to Joke! Lace is AT STAKE!!"

Great Lyd!

Moriah A. said...
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An Old Fashioned Girl said...

It's not out yet Moriah, not until May, or something like that...

Anonymous said...

That was a good movie!!

Anonymous said...

oh, Erica and I laughed so hard when we watched that...those ladies..I suppose they were good at heart, but they really could drive someone nuts!

What a great movie....



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