Friday, May 16, 2008

A Book Recomendation..

Half of the adventure of this book is figuring out what it is about, so instead, of spoiling it, I'm going to let you read an excerpt.

"In short, they were a team- they must certainly have a name.

"I was thinking something like 'The Great Kate Weather Machine and her Stormy Companions, " said Kate. Her suggestion was greeted by general silence and, from Constance, a stormy look indeed.

"How about 'The Four Kids Gang'?" offered Sticky. "Or 'The Secret Agent Children Group'?"
Constance's storm-cloud, if possible, grew even darker;Reynie cleared his throat and Kate said, "Um, Sticky? Those are the most absolutely yawn-causing names I've ever heard."

"But they're accurate, argued Sticky.

"If we're just trying to be accurate, then how about 'The Doomed to Fail Bunch'?" said Constance. "Honestly! We can't even name ourselves."

"Listen," said Reynie, ignoring her. "What is it that drew us all together?"

"Mr. Benedict," said Kate and Sticky at the same time.

"All right, how about something with his name in it to remind us of our mission?"

"Mr. Benedict's Very Secret Team'?" said Sticky.

Everyone groaned.

Kate said "How about 'Mr. Benedict and the Great Kate Weath-'"

"Don't even finish that,:said Reynie.

"The Mysterious Benedict Society," Constance said. Then she left the room, apparently convinced no more discussion was necessary. And, as it turned out, she was right."

I read all 485 pages of "The Mysterious Benedict Society." in less that two days, I could not put it down! Very clean, funny, thought-provoking, it's sort-of sci-fi, but set in our world.Although it's a "children's book" I recommend it as a fun adventure read for anyone.


Lill said...

Sounds very interesting...Is it at the library?

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

yep, as soon as I return it :-)

Sydney Smith said...

I really must stop reading posts intitled "Book recomendation"! My list is so long now and I just added another one! It sounds like a very good book and I can't wait to read it!

Dan said...

I'll have to order that from the library. Looks like the kind of book I want to read right about now. :)

(P.S. Email me!)



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